Forsdale: And you would follow then, that if your observation is an accurate one, that kids who’ve grown up in this simultaneous, this fast-moving world, don’t feel the necessity themselves of a goal in life? McLuhan: No. I’ll tell you what has taken the place of goals. I have a book called Take Today and it means just that; let’s have a look at today. Take Today :The Executive As Dropout , and it has three basic themes. The first place that we have moved from hardware to software. Second, that we have moved from jobs to role-playing. And third, we have moved from central to decentralist forms of activity. The reason that the whole job thing is in such a hassle is that jobs are obsolete as a form of human activity. At the speed of light, the role-playing takes the place of job- holding. Now, what is role-playing? Because it is not a job. If